
Q'n'A#1: First impressions

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The Titans were seated on the sofa. Cyborg on the left, then Beast Boy, Starfire, Robin and Raven (with a steaming mug in hands).

Robin cleared his throat.

“Okay, so…” he started awkwardly. “Hi guys, it’s our first Questions and Answers video. We’ve decided to go for a question to the whole team. So, here it goes.” He cleared his throat again and read from the paper he held in hand. “’Dear Titans, I was wondering what were your first impressions of each other when you first met? Kisses, Becca.'”

Beast Boy snickered along with Cyborg, Raven’s eyes widened and Starfire giggled slightly. Robin cleared his throat again.

“Well, Becca” he started, tugging at his collar. “That’s actually very good question.”
“Oh this oughta be good!” Cyborg said, snickering.
“So, uhum, who wants to start?” Robin asked.
“You’re the leader, you start” Raven said and then sipped from her mug.
“You just had to play the leader card” he sighed. Raven smirked.
“I’m just… going to go with the order you guys were jumping into my face.” Boys laughed. “So, first was Starfire.” He hummed as he recalled the day. “I’ve got to say, the first impression was…’Wow, angry and dangerous’. And I was impressed. I mean, look at her” he motioned to his girlfriend. “She’s kind of inconspicuous, doesn’t look to have the abilities and strength she has. So yeah, for Star I’d say I was definitely impressed and, uh…”
“Smitten?” Cyborg asked and Beast Boy burst out laughing. Raven smirked and Starfire only smiled.
“That was after the ‘lip-contact’ I don’t think it counts as the very first impression” Robin waved his hand at his friends. “Okay, then Beast Boy.” Robin scratched his chin. “Beast Boy seemed to be an annoying little brother type. You know, looks up to you but you’re tired of it anyways” he snickered. Beast Boy touched his chest and pretended to be hurt. “I don’t really think it changed much. Beast Boy’s still an annoying little brother.” Titans laughed (minus Raven). “Cyborg was a different story. Cyborg was…. Wow, he was a cyborg! I mean, cyborgs are always cool for guys, no matter the age, so… yeah. And I was also impressed, with all the technology Cyborg has on him, and all the strength he showed then, yeah. And of course, last but definitely not least, Raven.”
“What do you mean, not least?” Beast Boy cut in and everyone shot him a death glare. “Have you seen her? She’s tiny! I mean she’s like five feet tall! And what’s your shoe size, a six?” He asked her, leaning ahead to look at her trough Robin and Starfire. Raven raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, how’d you know?”
“Seriously? Huh, I’m good!”
“I meant not least as in size, but as in a person, Beast Boy.” Robin explained.
“I know.” He said. “I just wanted the internet to know how tiny she really is.” Raven cleared her throat.
“Excuse me, not everywhere am I tiny.” She said, proudly puffing out her chest.
“Oh right, you’ve got those. And your huge badonkadonk.” Everyone stopped. Raven’s mouth opened slightly and she glared at him. He was looking at her innocently.
“Did you just call me fat?” she asked, glaring daggers at him. Robin, Starfire and Cyborg all wore ‘uh-oh’ faces. Beast Boy just stared at Raven, obviously shocked.
“What?” he choked out. “Excus-… what? I mean… WHAT?” he kept asking. “It was a compl-…! Only you could take it for an offense! Wait.” he shook his head. “Are The Days coming up soon?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at her. Raven’s jaw visibly clenched even more than it was before.
“AS I was saying, last, but NOT least, Raven.” Robin cut them short, trying to restore the attention by speaking at loud volume. He then stopped to think. “Huh.”
“What?” Raven asked, audibly irked.
“I can’t  believe how… shy and timid you were.” The rest of them smiled at the thought.
“Yeah, you were all like ‘Don’t mind me, I’m not even here’” Beast Boy said.
“I thought it was cute” Cyborg said and Starfire giggled.
“I believe friend Raven is still the shy” she said.
“When did we go from answering question from a fan to embarrassing me?” Raven asked.
“I remember seeing huge potential in you” Robin said. Raven rolled her eyes.
“Fine, keep ignoring me, I’ll get revenge for this later.” Hearing this Robin snickered.
“I think I’m done with my first impressions of you guys. Starfire?” he glanced at his girlfriend.
“Well, my first impression of Robin was… um… I think I was a little impressed about his strength as for a being much less powerful than myself. I do come from another planet and a race of warriors, so…”
“We get the idea Star.” Cyborg said.
“Yeah, I know I can lick your shoes, so.” Robin said shrugging and made everybody laugh (besides Raven).
“At Beast Boy I was amazed. And I really do mean it. His powers were an unexpected thing for me and I was truly curious. Also Beast Boy had, still has, this positive vibe around himself, I found it contagious. And it reminded me of my younger brother, a lot.”
“Aww, Star, that’s sweet.” Beast Boy said.
“You are the sweet, friend Beast Boy.”
Seeing tears forming in her eyes Beast Boy outstretched his arms to her and she gladly took the invite and hugged him, remembering to not squish him to death. They heard her sniff a little.
“Oh, you remind me of him so, very much” she said through tears. Beast Boy rubbed her back comfortingly and was about to say something when Raven spoke.
“Guys, you have to stop, the ice from around my heart is starting to melt.” They all laughed at this and Starfire let go of Beast Boy, waving at her eyes.
“I’m sorry, I took it a little too emotional, correct?” They all started to deny (besides Raven of course), and she took the moment to calm her ragged breath.
“Ooh, I think I’m ready to talk again.” She smiled sweetly, and Robin gave her hand a light squeeze before she spoke again. “Cyborg. I was also impressed by his strength and brotherly attitude to all of us.”
“Yeah, he was kinda a bro for all of us from the beginning” Beast Boy cut in.
“Agreed. And Raven. Raven was most silent. And as Robin said before, shy. And very, very inconspicuous.”
“Yeah, girl, when you blasted your powers for the first time on that alien ship I was like ‘what da heck is sitting inside that girl?’” Cyborg interjected glancing at Raven. Others agreed but Raven said nothing.
“Yes. I believe I am finished. Friend Beast Boy?”
“Oh dude. I’ll try to make it short. Met Robin: super cool dude. Met Cyborg: super cool dude! Met Starfire:  one seriously angry hot alien girl.” They laughed. “And Raven: some seriously weird and scary chick that you don’t want to be angry with you but totally digs my sense of humor. Cy, it’s your turn.”
“Wait, wait, hold on a second.” Raven said. “What gave you the idea for ‘totally digs my sense of humor’ thing?”
“Uh, Rae..”
“Raven.” she interfered.
“If you recall” he continued, not even acknowledging her speaking. “After we defeated the whole lizard-alien-invasion I did say a joke and you did laugh at it.”
“I certainly do not recall anything like that.” she frowned. “Star, do you recall such event?”
“No, I do not.” Starfire said after few seconds.
“Smart move, Rae-…”
“… but Starfire wasn’t there yet. She walked to us moments later. Ask Robin or Cyborg. Do you guys remember her laugh at my joke?”
“I think I do.” Robin admitted.
“I don’t know right now, I guess I could search through my memory card and find out” Cyborg said, scratching his head.
“Don’t bother, Cyborg, you’ll find nothing, because it never happened.” Raven stated confidently.
“Oh c’mon, Raven, stop being proud for one second and just admit you think I’m funny!”
“What did you exactly say to me then?” she asked.
“You think I remember?!” he squeaked.
“That’s right, you don’t, because it never happened. You’re delusional if you think I think you’re funny. You aren’t. End of discussion.”
“Dude, I know my memories, I remember you laughing at something I said!”
“Maybe you dreamt it.” she shrugged. Beast Boy gripped his hair and pulled.
“You’re killing me, woman!” he yelled and Raven hid a smirk behind her mug.
“I’ll just search through my memory card, it’s gotta be somewhere in there” Cyborg said coming out of the camera’s view. Raven merely shrugged and Beast Boy stopped pulling his hair.
“Thanks, dude! At least someone believes in me!”
“I have two reasons, green bean” Cyborg’s voice said. “One, if Raven’s right, I get to make fun of you. Two, if you’re right I’m gonna make fun of her. Either way I’m gonna laugh my metal ass off.”
“Can’t you search your memory later?” Robin said. “It’s your turn.”
”It’ll only take a short while.”
The video went dark and the inscription in white letters said : FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER. Then the video started again.
“AAHAHAAA! Oh, man!” Cyborg laughed. “No way!”
“What?” Robin asked.
“What is it friend Cyborg?” Starfire spoke. They all went to his spot, coming out of the view of the camera lens.
“Wait, I’ll just.. HAHA! Woo! I’ll turn the volume up so everyone could hear it.”
Somebody should build a house here.” Cyborg from the memory said.
Yeah, if you like sunshine and the beach” Beast Boy’s voice said. And then they heard it. The small, short, quiet laugh.
You know, you’re kinda funny.
“NO.” Raven said, and Cyborg started laughing like a maniac again.
“Unbelievable” Robin said.
“Friend Beast Boy was right!”
“Hells yeah I was! Whatcha gonna do now, mama?”
“Technically, it wasn’t even a joke.” She tried. They all sat back at the sofa.
“Just say it Raven, you think I’m funny.”
“I will never ever admit it even if it would be the only thing that would save the world from ending.”

They all glared at her.

“Okay, maybe then I would.” she shrugged.
“So, Rae, wanna hear a joke?”
“Cyborg, it’s your turn.” Raven said, totally ignoring the green changeling. The rest laughed shortly and then Cyborg spoke.
“I guess I was a little impressed by Robin. I mean, he was already famous. But he was a lil’ annoying too. And he was annoying quite some time later.” Boys laughed. “My first impression about Star was more or less like ‘whoa, don’t come closer without a stick’.” Now they all laughed (Raven merely smiled).  “Beast Boy was annoying, but in a childish way. But you were what, twelve then?”
“Dude!” Beast Boy said, a little outraged. “I was fourteen!”
“That’s the same” Cyborg waved his hand at him and the green Titan seethed.
“Yeah, BB was annoying and kinda clingy.”
“Dude, I was not clingy!”
“Shut it grass stain.” Cyborg paused to let them all (minus Raven) laugh it out. “And then there was Raven.” Raven rolled her eyes at obvious affection audible in the metal man’s voice. “The little dark and shy one that felt out of place and needed a tiny bit of acceptance that came from the older brother figure.”

The Titans (besides Raven) let out an ‘aaaawww’, and Raven rolled her eyes again, trying to hide her smile.

“That was so very sweet, friend Cyborg” Starfire exclaimed.
“Yeah, Rave became my little sis right then and there” Cyborg stated proudly, puffing out his metal chest. He then glanced at the camera lens almost menacingly. “You know what older brothers work like, right?”
“Yeah, you’ll force ‘er in a chastity belt if ya have to” Beast Boy said and Robin snickered. Starfire looked confused, Raven frowned and Cyborg glared at him.
“Yeah, that too.” Cyborg admitted at last and Raven frowned even more (if that was even possible), trying to comprehend the new information. “But mainly, I meant ‘you hurt her, I hurt you twice as bad’.”
“Amen to that!” Robin said and they high fived together. Raven finally regained her voice.
“You’d force me into chastity belt?” Everybody looked at her.
“I was wondering the same thing” Starfire agreed. “Why would you do such a thing?”
“Nevermind, Raven has a question to answer” Robin reminded.

Raven groaned and started thinking.

“Well?” Starfire asked impatiently after a short while.
“I was…” Raven hesitated. “… so sure Robin was gay.” She said and immediately grabbed her hood to cover her face. Starfire and Robin both looked dumbfounded while Beast Boy and Cyborg burst out laughing.
“May I ask why?” Robin inquired.
“Then Starfire kissed you and I felt the wave of pleasure from you, and then another thought struck me. ‘Maybe he’s bi’.” Raven continued as if Robin never said anything.

Just when Cyborg and Beast Boy stopped laughing and wiped tears from their eyes, they heard her finish the sentence and burst out laughing again. Robin couldn’t handle the overall merriment and smiled.

“But why?” Starfire asked for him.
“The uniform.” Raven said, slowly shaking her head.
“What’s wrong with it?” Robin looked at himself.
“Robin” Raven began solemnly, making Beast Boy and Cyborg go silent. “You know you’re like a brother to me. And I don’t know how to say this, but…”she took a huge breath. “You kind of look like traffic lights.” Robin blinked, and then Cyborg and Beast Boy laughed yet again, now screaming that they can’t laugh anymore. Starfire looked at Robin’s uniform.
“I must agree with friend Raven, you indeed wear the colors of the lights of traffic.” She admitted.
“Prince Traffic Light!” Cyborg yelled in between laughs and Beast Boy bellowed with another burst of laughter.
“Well” Robin said, not able to contain his smile. “If we’re going along gay lines, why not make it Princess?”

Cyborg and Beast Boy stopped to look at each other.

“Did he just…?” Beast Boy began.
“Made fun of himself?” Cyborg finished. They both looked at Robin and then high fived with him, laughing again.
“Princess Traffic Light!” Cyborg bellowed. Raven smiled and Starfire giggled.
“Maybe I should think about a new uniform…” Robin pondered. “I’m outgrowing this one.”
“You mean you already did.” Cyborg corrected.
“Yes, like friend Beast Boy did his.” Starfire added.
“Dude, they’re right” Beast Boy said and made Robin look at him. “Right now the only person who would fit our uniforms would be Raven.”
“Okay, that’s enough.” Raven said, cutting off his train of thought before it could wander to how tiny she was in his opinion. “Now, Starfire. Hm, what did I think about Starfire?” She tapped her finger on her lower lip. “I know I certainly didn’t think you’d be so bubbly.” Starfire giggled. “I actually expected you to be as reserved as I was.”
“Was I a disappointment?” the alien girl asked.
“No." Raven shook her head. "You were a shock, but certainly not a disappointment.”
“Oh, good.” Starfire sighed relieved. “I was scared for a moment.”
”I know, I felt it.” Raven responded and Starfire giggled again, blushing slightly.
“Now for Cyborg.”
“Uh, Rae, you missed this guy” Beast Boy said indicating himself with his thumbs.
“That’s because I want Cyborg first.”
“You want me to anticipate, don’cha?” he narrowed his eyes at her.
“Mmmmaybe a little, yes.” She admitted with a small smirk.
“You’re killing me, woman” he said with a smirk, reaching for her hood (with slight effort) and getting it down from her head. She didn’t put it back on.
“Okay, Cyborg.” She bit her lip. “What did I think? ‘Well, here’s a guy like me. He called himself a monster’. I think I knew you were going to be my soul brother.”
“Hells ya, you go girl!” Cyborg shouted and they high fived in front of everybody’s faces.
“Okay, now the toughest one. Beast Boy.”
“Oh, c’mon, mama, give me something good.” He rubbed his hands.
“You want something good?” she asked.
“Why, yes, I do.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yup.” He popped the P.
“Okay, you asked for it. I was dead set on the thought that you were gay until we met Terra.”

Beast Boy’s ears dropped and he looked at her with puppy eyes, while Cyborg and Robin bellowed with laughter and Starfire was giggling.

“Why, Rae, why?” he asked almost whining like a kicked dog.
“Beast Boy” she said, looking at him significantly. “You’re wearing pink. On your crotch.”
“That’s not pink, it’s purple!”
“Uh, yeah, it’s pink” Raven said.
“It’s not!” he argued.
“It is. This” she grabbed her hair. “Is purple. Your uniform’s pink.”
“Is not!”
“Beast Boy. Before I lose my patience with you, I’ll just remind you that women genetically have better color perception than men do. I’m a woman. And I’m telling you, it’s pink.”
“Nu-uh! It’s purple!”
“Friend, I do not wish to upset you further, but I’m afraid friend Raven is correct. The color is pink.” Starfire said gently, patting his head slightly.
“Give up, Beast Boy, they got you with the color perception.” Cyborg said, still snickering.
“Dude, all this time I was wearing pink?” They all nodded. “Not cool. I was told it’s purple.”
“Oh?” Raven raised an eyebrow. “And who told you that?”
Raven looked into the camera lens and said “Dear Mento. Genetically women have better color perception. As a woman, I am telling you. You forced your adoptive son into pink uniform. Don’t believe me? Ask Elasti-Girl. It’s Pink. Magenta-pink. Yours faithfully, Raven.”
“I heard it’s cool when guys wear pink?” Robin asked, snickering.
“No.” Raven said sternly. “No, you can’t wear pink if you’re not gay. It’s not hot. Of course, you can wear all colors you want, I’m just telling you I don’t find men in pink attractive.”
“Dude” Beast Boy said to Robin. “Tomorrow morning we start redesigning our uniforms.” He then spoke to Raven. “I’m finally gonna win ya, mama.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.
“Keep on dreaming” she deadpanned. “Nothing will ever save you from the memory of your fuchsia shirt in Japan, you wore it out of your own will.”
Other titans burst out laughing while Beast Boy’s ears dropped low again. Starfire managed to get up from her sit and walk to the camera, laughing still audible form behind her back
"This is the end for now. We hope you enjoyed the movie as much as we enjoyed the recording. Please do comment, send us your questions and wait for more movies. Bye!" she waved, and then turned the camera off.
Okay, so it's first part for Press 'PLAY' to watch I know, it was supposed to be short, but it kinda started to live its own life while I was writing it. I'll try harder next time. I hope it's enjoyable.

I don't own Teen Titans.

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RaeRae120's avatar
This was hilarious 😂😂